How Much Does Social Media Management Cost?

Updated April 6, 2022

How much should you budget for social media management?

Social media management is an important investment for any company. There’s no cost to sign up for social media accounts, but these platforms can quickly become resource-intensive. Many brands pay for creative work, paid ads, consultants, and other services as they grow their social media presence. How much does social media management cost? Explore what you can expect to manage social media platforms including Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, and Instagram.

Facebook Social Media Pricing

Facebook is one of the world’s most popular websites, welcoming more than one billion active users each day. No matter your industry or niche, you can find your target audience and engage with them on Facebook.

Like most social media platforms, it’s free to set up a business account on Facebook. However, your company will need to spend money to improve your engagement. Finding organic, unpaid engagement on Facebook can be a challenge. Facebook provides a variety of paid opportunities to share your content with a broader audience. You can create Facebook ad campaigns to drive website clicks, page likes, website conversions, app downloads, and more.

How much does it cost to promote your Facebook business page? Depending on your goals, we can build an effective Facebook campaign to fit almost any budget. Facebook offers two different pricing models: Cost Per Impressions (CPM) and Cost Per Click (CPC). With the CPM model, you’re charged for every 1000 views of your ad. If you use a CPC campaign, Facebook will only charge you when users click on your ads. You can also boost Facebook posts to show them to more people. 

Several different factors influence how much you’ll spend on Facebook ads. Your preferred ad format, target audience, campaign length, and goals all impact your typical Facebook costs. Facebook is one of the world’s largest, most influential platforms, so you can’t afford to ignore it. Professional social media management can take the stress out of posting on Facebook. Cobblestone Media will deliver meaningful results on and off Facebook while freeing up your team to focus on the rest of your business.

Twitter Social Media Pricing

Twitter got its start as a text-based platform that rewarded clear, clever, and to-the-point content. Today, the platform has evolved to allow images, videos, and longer Tweets, but it’s still a go-to site full of breaking news, professional conversations, pop culture, and fun.

It’s free to establish your brand’s business account on Twitter. Your company can post Tweets, interact with the community, and take part in the broader conversation without spending any money. If you want to reach a broader audience, you can also pay to promote your account, Tweets, and ideas.

You can share your Tweets with more people using Promoted Tweets. Twitter shows these Tweets to relevant users even if they don’t already follow you. If a Tweet is performing well organically, you can promote it to reach more people. Your brand can also write Tweets specifically with the promotion in mind. Twitter uses a bidding system to price promoted Tweets, so costs depend on their engagement.

If you want to build your brand awareness on Twitter, you can promote your entire account. This system is designed to attract new followers and increase your overall brand awareness. Promoted accounts also use a bidding system, so costs vary based on your goals.

Promoted trends are perfect for brands with extensive marketing budgets and major campaigns. You can promote a trend to be showcased among Twitter’s currently trending topics. Promoted trends are usually displayed near the top of the list, so millions of users will see your topic.

With its devoted userbase, Twitter is an important platform for any brand. Cobblestone Media’s expert Twitter management can help your company thrive and succeed on Twitter, no matter what goals you have for your account.

LinkedIn Social Media Management

Designed for professional networking, LinkedIn is the social media site for sharing business-focused content. Both individuals and brands use LinkedIn to showcase their accomplishments, share thought leadership, find new talent, and communicate with their industry. LinkedIn is a necessity for B2B companies but is also a valuable asset for B2C brands.

LinkedIn is another platform that’s free to join. Your brand can access basic LinkedIn functions like making posts and creating job postings without a charge. If you want to expand your reach and connect with more people, LinkedIn offers a range of paid opportunities.

You can encourage LinkedIn users to visit your website with LinkedIn ads. Unlike other social media platforms, LinkedIn displays ads on the sidebar instead of mixed throughout a user’s feed. LinkedIn ads feature thumbnail images and short text snippets. Ads on LinkedIn are designed to drive users to your page, making them ideal for landing pages, lead magnets, and other conversion points. 

LinkedIn also allows you to promote posts on the platform. Sponsored updates are posts which display in user feeds across the site. Much like boosting a post on Facebook, you can either plan to sponsor your LinkedIn posts ahead of time or sponsor a post that’s already performing well. 

LinkedIn ad costs are available with CPC or CPM options. The CPC model charges your account whenever someone clicks on your ad, and the CPM option charges you per 1000 impressions. LinkedIn’s CPC costs are often more expensive than you’ll find on other platforms. Since LinkedIn’s professional audience and targeting options deliver highly qualified leads, many brands find that LinkedIn social media management is worth the investment.

Instagram Social Media Management

Instagram has a younger user base than many other social media platforms, making it an ideal tool for targeting different demographics. As a visual-first site, all Instagram posts must have an image, a video, or both. Brands can use Instagram to showcase products in action, introduce staff, provide behind-the-scenes glimpses, and much more.

Like the other social media platforms on this list, it’s free to create an account on Instagram. Instagram and Facebook are owned by the same parent company, so some features are available on both accounts. You can choose to run social media campaigns on Instagram, Facebook, or both.

Instagram offers a variety of post formats, including traditional posts, Stories, tv-inspired Reels, and more. Your brand can make all of these posts for free. If you want to reach people beyond your current followers, you can upgrade to sponsored Instagram posts. Sponsored posts on Instagram are displayed in user feeds between non-sponsored posts. Brands can create image and video ads using the CPC model. Instagram also allows you to boost posts and show them to a broader audience.

Sponsored stories on Instagram are a newer ad option. Instagram stories are short posts that typically expire after 24 hours. These dynamic posts include some of the most popular content on the platform. Sponsored stories display between other stories and are a valuable way to reach younger users. Professional social media management from Cobblestone Media will help your brand craft engaging Instagram posts that authentically share your message and reach your target audience.

How Much Should You Spend On Social Media?

What budget do you need for social media? Your social media costs are determined by many different factors including the platforms you use, how many ads you place, and whether you work with social media experts to manage your online presence. 

Each platform has its challenges and opportunities, so your brand will likely spend different amounts on your various accounts. You may spend more on LinkedIn one month to promote a major industry award, then prioritize Instagram the next month to reach younger clients, then invest heavily in targeted Facebook ads the following month to support a new campaign. You should be able to flex your social media budget as your priorities shift. 

Large marketing budgets deliver large results, but this isn’t the only way to find success online. The Cobblestone team can craft robust yet affordable social media strategies to fit any company’s budget. Regular posts on a targeted social media platform will develop your audience and drive your goals. We’ll help build your digital reach whether you’re entirely new to social media, have a limited marketing budget, or are ready to make a major investment in the future of your brand.

Explore Social Media Management With Cobblestone

Your brand can build an audience, spread awareness, drive conversions, and boost customer loyalty through social media. These platforms are vital foundations of any modern marketing strategy. You can see the best return on your online investments when you work with our social media management experts. Click here to learn how our social media management services can transform your digital strategy today.
