Local Directory Listings

Local Directory Listings

Helping your customers find your business through your local directory listings

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Search has changed the way your customers buy—even on the local level. “Near me” local searches have increased 3400% in the last six years and, now, more than 40% of all in-store purchases involving some level of online research. And mobile is adding a new layer to local search—more than four in five local mobile searches result in a sale. Now more than ever your customers are active, engaged and decidedly mobile—and they’re looking for you.

Making Directories DELIVER

One of the most prominent go-tos for local searches? Local directories. These searchable databases provide critical information about your business and businesses in your community, from address and contact to hours, website, offers and more.

But, often, online directory listings aren’t accurate—and that’s costing small businesses more than $10 billion per year. Whether it’s a recent move, multiple locations or, simply, inaccurate data circulating online, more often than not a company has at least a few incorrect directory listings—and if a potential customer finds them, they might not find you.

Maximizing Every Search

That’s where Cobblestone Media comes in. Our online experts will perform a full local directory listings audit, identifying and troubleshooting problem listings in real-time. By ensuring all of your online information is accurate and suppressing duplicate listings, your business will pop to the top of local searches—and that means more engagement, more consideration and more purchases.

When a listing is complete, consumers are nearly 200% more likely to view that business as reliable and dependable.Mr. WordPress

Improving & Enhancing Every Local Directory Listing

While the Cobblestone team is assessing, updating and refining your local directory listings, we’ll also provide recommendations and hands-on support to help you optimize digital content to improve SEO and organic traffic. Whether it’s adding robust, keyword-rich company descriptions, synching social media, layering in videos, photos or current offers, or enhancing content to improve engagement and conversion, Cobblestone will ensure every local directory listing works as hard as you do.

Get in touch to learn more about our local directory listing services, and see what spot-on search can do for your business. When clicks become conversions, your business gains a critical edge—and a loyal customer base that keeps coming back for more.

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