Google My Business Is now Google Business Profile

Updated February 4, 2022

How Google Business Profile Helps Your Business

The Google My Business network has rebranded! The influential business promotion platform is now known as Google Business Profile. Google will be sunsetting the Google My Business (GMB) mobile app in 2022. This update will impact how your brand uses your online Google profile. What developments are in store? Cobblestone Marketing can help your brand navigate the new Google Business Profile settings. Learn more about Google Business Profile, including how your marketing, search rankings, and business listings will be impacted.

What’s New In Google Business Profile?

The shift from GMB to Google Business Profile reflects changes in Google’s approach to single-location brands. Google now encourages companies with one location to manage their Business Profile through search results instead of through the Business platform.

On its own, this isn’t a new change. Single-location companies have been editing their business details through search results since mid-2021. The main difference is that now brands can resolve issues like verification through search results.

In the future, any company that makes a Google Business Profile will be able to set up their account completely through Google Search and Google Maps.

How Does Google Business Profile Impact Single-Location Companies?

Google Business Profile is great news for businesses with just one location. It’s much easier to manage listings through Google Business Profile than it was in GMB. All you need to do is log in with the Gmail address linked to your Google Business Profile, then type in your company’s name to Google. From there, you’ll be able to edit your profile using a Knowledge Panel directly in your search results.

It’s also more straightforward to make posts, answer questions, and respond to messages via Google Business Profile. You don’t need to go through the GMB app or dashboard for these tasks anymore. Instead, you can create posts, reply to reviews, and send messages through Google Search and Google Maps.

The change to Google Business Profile won’t impact your search rankings. However, you should refresh your listing management strategy. Your brand still needs to update business details as needed, solicit reviews from customers, reply to questions, and answer your Google messages. Google Business Profile simply makes it easier to perform these tasks than the GMB dashboard.

What Information Can You Add Through The Knowledge Panel?

The Google Business Profile’s Knowledge Panel appears in your search results whenever you type your brand name into Google. It’s effortless to enter and update a range of information from this panel. You can edit the following public information using the Knowledge Panel:

  • Address
  • Business hours
  • Phone number
  • Contact email

How Does Google Business Profile Impact Multi-Location Companies?

If your company has multiple locations, you’ll keep managing them through the familiar Google My Business dashboard. This tool is now called the Business Profile Manager, but it still houses your location information, business details, and more. The dashboard remains a flexible way to monitor and maintain all your locations using the same resources.

We may see updates to the Business Profile Manager dashboard as Google continues to add new features to the Business Profile experience.

Shifting from GMB to Google Business Profile won’t change your current search rankings. Make sure to keep your positive momentum going by keeping your Google Business Profile current. Your Cobblestone Marketing team can help build a strategy to stay active and relevant. Here are some fast tips to keep engaging your community:

  • Review your Google Business Profile listings each week take sure all location info is accurate
  • Respond to questions, reviews, and messages as soon as possible
  • Use the Add An Update option in the Knowledge Panel to keep your customers up to date

How Does Google Business Profile Impact Local SEO?

Google Business Profile offers many of the same features and services you recognize from your Google My Business account. This platform is one of the most valuable tools for improving your local SEO rankings. Local SEO helps you connect with your local community when they search for terms related to your services. You can reach interested local leads who are ready to convert by focusing on local SEO.

Every company should use its Google Business Profile for local SEO purposes. This account is free and offers a huge range of benefits. Your Business Profile helps customers find accurate information about your services. Claim your Business Profile and add details including your full company name, locations, phone number, website, phone number, and more.

Cobblestone Marketing offers a range of local SEO services to help you drive your local search results. Here are some of the benefits you can enjoy through local SEO.

1. Drive Sales With Listings on Google Maps

Traditional search ranking is important for customers who want to find options, but increasing numbers of consumers turn to Google Maps to find local businesses. Local shoppers want to know how convenient your locations are before they convert. 

Your company can reach local customers simply by claiming your Google Business Profile account. Once your business is claimed, your locations will start to display during local searches on Google Maps. This additional visibility makes it easier for people to find you, leading to increased sales and other conversions.

2. Show Up In The Top 3 Results “Near Me”

When users search for businesses “near them,” Google only displays three local companies above the list of organic search results. These three options aren’t randomly chosen. Google selects them based on their local SEO rankings.

Using your Google Business Profile is an easy way to improve your local SEO and increase the odds of reaching these top three local options. 

3. Leverage Reviews To Engage Customers

Google Business Profile reviews can be a goldmine of content. Many customers check out online reviews before converting. If your reviews are mostly positive, they might win you a sale. If your account is full of negative reviews without responses, potential customers might click away without converting. 

An active Google Business Profile makes it easy to monitor your reviews. You can use positive reviews to further promote your services, plus respond to negative feedback in a professional, timely manner.

Learn More About Google Business Profile

Google’s shift away from Google My Business and towards Google Business Profile offers some useful features, especially for single-location businesses. No matter how many locations your brand has, it’s important to keep your Business Profile active. Cobblestone Marketing is here to help you learn more about this change and build a strategy to make the most of your account.
