Mobile Apps For Restaurants

Your Food, Now In The Palm of THEIR Hands

Face it—now more than ever, food is mobile. Your customers are searching restaurants on the go, placing orders with a few quick clicks, and making decisions about their dining dollars based on what their latest mobile search turns up. And if you aren’t where they are when they’re there, you’re missing out.

Food Goes Mobile

Four in five local mobile searches result in a conversion—and more than half of those conversions happen within one hour. Your potential patrons are hungry and they’re looking for deliciously simple solutions. Are YOU delivering?

With a customized mobile app, your restaurant can cut through the clutter and position itself exactly where it needs to be: in the palm of diners’ hands. Provide the valuable information this audience needs at the exact moment of consideration and conversion, and you’ll drive more reservations, more orders and more foot traffic fast. And, by creating an immersive mobile experience patrons can access again and again, you’ll encourage repeat business, long-term loyalty and powerful word-of-mouth—the recipe for success.

Boost Business—and PROFITS

Our turnkey mobile app development packages were designed exclusively for restaurants. From day one, the Cobblestone team provides a hands-on experience, helping your business go mobile without any of the heavy lifting or heavy costs. Every app package is fully customized based on your restaurant’s unique needs, goals and marketplace, ensuring our clients roll out the right app for the right audience every time.

Creating the Best Mobile Apps For Restaurants

More than 90% of mobile web interactions are happening in apps—make sure your restaurant is in the mix with an app that delivers.

  • Drive repeat business with LOYALTY PROGRAMS and EMAIL CAPTURE
  • Generate new and incremental with one-click ONLINE ORDERING and RESERVATIONS
  • Boost customer engagement by syncing your SOCIAL PROFILES and launching SOCIAL CONTESTS to drive new patrons
  • Reach customers on-the-move with real-time PUSH NOTIFICATIONS promoting your latest offers
  • Drive instant foot traffic and orders with GEOTARGETED COUPONS reaching customers in your immediate vicinity

Give your customers what they’re craving—mobile apps for restaurants. GET IN TOUCH to learn more about Cobblestone Media’s suite of restaurant marketing programs, including customized mobile app development.

Your next great customer is always a click away…

Get Started Now

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Restaurant Marketing
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