How To Launch A YouTube Ad Campaign

Updated April 12, 2022

YouTube Ad Campaign Process

After you’ve created quality content you’d like to use on YouTube, it’s time to get started
launching your first YouTube Ad Campaign. To do this, first, upload your video directly to
YouTube. You’ll need a Google Ads account, as both Google and YouTube are now linked under one. On your Google Ads dashboard, you should see an area to add a “New Campaign”. This is where you’ll get started! Below are the steps to walk you through launching a YouTube Ad

Goal and Type of Campaign

Select “video” campaign as the type of campaign you’d like to run.

Campaign Subtype and Strategy

Choose video reach campaign from the list of subtypes. You will also be able to select between efficient reach (bumper, skippable in-stream, mix) or Non-skippable in-stream.

Campaign Name & Budget

In this section, you will create a name for your campaign. Then, you’ll set a per-day or percampaign total budget of how much you want to spend. Choose your budget wisely to ensure maximum success! YouTube will also prompt you to create a start and end date for your campaign.

Networks, Locations, and Languages

This section will allow you to pick where your YouTube ad will appear. Options include on YouTube search results, during YouTube Videos, or on video ads for display networks. You will also define the geographical location of users who will see your ad. Lastly, you’ll select the target language for your audience.

Content Exclusions and Excluded Types and Labels

This section gives users control on what types of videos their brands are marketed on. For example, various settings include limiting views on YouTube videos with profanity or graphic content.

Related Videos and Advanced Settings

In the related video section, advertisers can add related videos to appear below the ad. Advanced options allow more specific advertising concerns, such as targeted of mobile devices
and custom viewing schedules.

Demographics and Audience Segments

Here, you’ll be able to clearly define your targeted audience by gender, age, income, and other parameters. You can also target users by YouTube interests and searches. Another option is to target users by topics, keywords, or placements.


Bidding allows users to determine the max price they want to pay per YouTube Video.

Video Ad Creative

This option includes adding the YouTube link for the video you’d like to run the ad for. You can choose between in-stream ads or in-display ads.

Linking Your Account

Here, you will link your Google Ads to the correct YouTube channel. You’re now done creating your YouTube Ad campaign!
